Firestone Lawsuits

May 12, 2017
By Boesen Law
  • Attorneys representing people living in the Firestone neighborhood where a home exploded last month will be filing the first of several lawsuits in court on Friday, Denver7 has learned. Attorneys say the first suit, and dozens more which are expected, will name Anadarko Petroleum, Mobile Energy, the Oak Meadows housing developer, and possibly more as the defendants.

    The reason for those lawsuits, which will be filed individually and not as a class action suit, is for loss of property value as well as emotional trauma and anxiety to neighboring residents.

    “This is not a frivolous case, this is serious. To not have the peace of mind to go home and sleep in your bed is big and we take a lot of value in that,” attorney Jason Webster said. Webster, a trial attorney from Houston, joins Dallas attorney Richard Capshaw and Denver-based firm Boesen Law is representing at least thirty clients, with that list expected to grow.

    The firms are seeking damages for the loss of property values, and in the process, plan on getting answers for a lot of worried people.

    “What these lawsuits can do is, it can hold Anadarko’s feet to the fire so they give us clear information,” attorney Stephen Justino of the Boesen firm said Thursday.

    To read more please visit The Denver Channel. The article was written by Jason Gruenauer. Original Article Here

    To contact Boesen Law LLC about your prospective Firestone claim, call us at (303) 999-9999 or click here