Receiving SSDI Benefits as a Veteran

Dec 11, 2018
By Boesen Law
  • As a veteran of the armed forces, you may already know about your entitlement to receiving Veteran’s Benefits. However, you may not be aware that you can also receive Social Security Disability benefits (or SSDI for short) at the same time. Read on to find out about the benefits for receiving both SSDI and VA benefits at the same time.

    Fast Application Process:

    Military members who became disabled during active service on or after October 1st, 2001 are entitled to an expedited application review. This means that as a veteran, you are able to get a review on your SSDI application in a matter of weeks, versus non-military members whose application review can take much longer.

    Continued Income:

    Typically, in order to receive SSDI benefits individuals are not allowed to receive money through work. However, you are able to receive military benefits, without being disqualified for receiving income .

    Medicare/TRICARE Advantage:

    You are able to receive Medicare benefits as well as benefits provided to you as a veteran under TRICARE at the same time.

    What resources are available to me if I’m ready to apply for SSDI benefits?

    Having legal representation can help to make the application process less confusing and/or stressful. If you or a loved one are a veteran and looking to apply for SSDI benefits, contact our office at  to schedule a free consultation and speak with one of our highly experienced attorneys. Please also visit our website at for additional information.